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Gregor Johann Mendel was born on this day 198 years ago.

20. 7. 2020 Gregor Johann Mendel was born on this day 198 years ago.

Gregor Johann Mendel - Father of Genetics. 

Gregor Johann Mendel was born on this day 198 years ago. Here in Brno, he defined the basics of genetics – which was a cornerstone for modern genetics, molecular biology and biotechnology and also molecular diagnostics. As of today, Brno is a significant centre for biotechnological research, education and technologies. GeneProof was founded here in Brno 15 years ago. Since its beginning, we became one of the biggest manufacturers of in vitro diagnostics in Europe. We at GeneProof honour legacy of Mendel and his peers and we understand the commitments of his traditions. We believe that G.J. Mendel would have been proud of us and of the advanced biotechnological research developed in Brno since his times.