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croBEE® 2.0 Nucleic Acid Extraction System

CE IVD IVDR New product

Automated system for simultaneous nucleic acid extraction from a wide range of biological materials.

Order information

Product name REF Technology Packaging
croBEE® 2.0 Nucleic Acid Extraction System CB2NA100 fully automated magnetic separation 1 pc

Product Leaflet

Product Leaflet

; GP_CB2NA100_Leaflet_EN
pdf, [586.11 kB]
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Technical specification

Indication in vitro diagnostic medical device
Regulatory Status CE IVD – Regulation (EU) 2017/746
Intended User For professional use in laboratories with trained staff
Capacity 1–18 samples / single extraction process
Specimen Types  Whole blood, CSF, plasma, serum, urine, BAL, swab
Extraction Principle Fully automated magnetic separation
Type of Reagents Used Single-use universal reaction cartridge
Sample Volume 500 μl
Elution Volume 100 μl
Processing Time 50–55 minutes
User Interface and Controls 5-inch colored touch panel

UV lamp


640 x 580 x 550 mm (W x D x H)

Weight 57 kg
Power Supply 

220V–240V 50/60Hz
Max. power consumption: 160 W
Fuse: 2A TL

Type of Instrument  Stand-alone
Order Information CB2NA100


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Instructions for Use & Advisory Notice

Instructions for Use are for informative purposes only

; GP_CB2NA100_Advisory_Notice_08_23_EN
pdf, [446.16 kB]

Declaration of Conformity

; GP_CB2NA100_Declaration of conformity_EN
pdf, [1.08 MB]


; GP_CB2NA100_Manual_EN
pdf, [1.19 MB]