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STI GPacks

1. Urethritis GPack

2. Urethritis Plus GPack

Detection of 7 pathogens: Chlamydia
trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas
vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma
urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum

GeneProof CT/NG/MG Multiplex PCR Kit, 1× 100 rxn
GeneProof MH/UU/UP Multiplex PCR Kit, 1× 100 rxn
GeneProof Trichomonas vaginalis PCR Kit, 1× 100 rxn
GeneProof Universal Internal Control - (IVDR), 1× 100 NAE

Download laboratory workflow protocol

3. Genital UIcer GPack

4. CT/NG Screening GPack

5. MGH/UUP/TV Diagnostic GPack

Order information

Product name REF Technology Packaging
Urethritis GPack URE/GPACK/100 real-time PCR 1 pc
Urethritis Plus GPack UREP/GPACK/100 real-time PCR 1 pc
Genital UIcer GPack GU/GPACK/100 real-time PCR 1 pc
CT/NG Screening GPack CTNG/GPACK/100 real-time PCR 1 pc
MGH/UUP/TV Diagnostic GPack MUT/GPACK/100 real-time PCR 1 pc

Product Leaflet

Product Leaflet

; GP_STI-GPacks_Leaflet_EN
pdf, [167.39 kB]
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